Migrating away from SCM Breeze

I had been using SCM Breeze for a few years and while it’s a great project with many ways to configure it, it also created a lot of frustration for me because of bugs and other problems it caused. I had a look at the code which seemed rather complex, especially after I understood what it did, and I figured I would give writing me own version a shot.

What is SCM Breeze doing anyway?

To me, the main feature is the one adding indexes to ls, git status and git branch output so I do not have to type or copy-paste file names, but can instead use the indexes in other commands. It also adds loads of aliases and has a feature called Repository Index of which I only used quick access with tab completion to the folder with my git clones. Any other features it might have, I did not use. The same for most of the aliases coming with SCM Breeze - I tend not to use things if I did not configure them myself. So as a recap, I needed the following:

  • aliases to save typing
  • a command for quick access to my git clones
  • a way to add indexes to command output
  • a way to use these indexes in other commands

My goals

  • simple code
  • no hijacking of commands (SCM Breeze wrapped git commands and the commands using the indexes which is not very flexible and caused problems with completions for me)
  • keep the command output as close as possible to the original (instead of parsing --porcelain output and creating my own like SCM Breeze does)
  • ability to use the indexes whereever I wanted without extra configuration
  • no need for rebuilding a repository index (which I regularly forgot so I could not access new clones the usual way)
  • even though I am a ZSH user, the code should be as reusable under bash as possible.

The solution

The simplest part were the aliases, I could simply configure everything I needed using ZSH - it would be the same with bash. The quick access function I wrote uses ZSH specific functionality, but can surely be easily implemented in bash to:

function c() {
    cd ~/Clones/$1;
# complete with ~/Clones prefix
compctl -/ -W ~/Clones/ c

Now I can simply type c rep<Tab> and I will end up in ~/Clones/repository.

With the simple stuff out of my way, I could go about the index feature. I wanted to stay compatible with the variables SCM Breeze uses, so I started with the index consumer part. SCM Breeze creates numbered environment variables to hold references to file paths and branches, so all that needed to be done was parsing indexes from the command line, resolve the matching environment variable and replace the indexes with the result. What I came up with is the expand-indexes-or-expand-or-complete function which I mapped to <Tab> like this. Now I can type command 1 3-6 9<Tab> and the numbers will be replaced with branches or file paths that are referenced by the environment variables matching 1 3 4 5 6 9 (normal tab completion still works if there are no numbers or matches). Now obviously this is not the same as just typing the command and the numbers and everything will run just fine when pressing enter, but I use <Tab> all the time anyway and this approach has the following advantages:

  • I can use indexes with all commands
  • I can check that I typed the right numbers by double-checking the result of the expansion
  • I can expand the same number twice and edit the result for simple renaming etc.
  • shell history search has more of a chance to find something useful when having the history full of vim meaningful_filename instead of vim 1

Not sure whether it would work under bash but it could as I am pretty sure I have already seen something like global bash completions. Command wrapping approach is always possible if not.

Off to the last part: adding indexes to command output. I rarely use full commands but mostly aliases, so I figured I can create aliases where I call scripts/functions to do the job. So I created a Python script and added it to my PATH that adds the indexes and outputs a list of files to be used in a subsequent step. This list is filtered from the output and transformed into environment variables by this simple function (it needs to be a function, not a script, as environment variables can only be set inside the same process, which a call to a script would leave.) I use them in these functions that I can call just like aliases. The only reason I use functions and not aliases is that I need to be able to pass arguments to the first command in the pipeline.

